The purpose of this thread is to discuss John Bedini's magnetic model, gravity and related theories. This ties into the 22-23 degree significance, Sun/Earth relationship, Bloch wall and gravity relationship, etc...
I may only have a few useful things to add here and will take me time to dig thru notes (old lab notes) going back a lot of years and some of John's notes he copied for me in an old archive I haven't dived into for almost just as long. I know I have some notes that he shared with me that probably nobody else has except one particular person who I will not confirm if asked.
Years ago, David Michael Rogers and others had an Off The Grid (OTG) Yahoo Group. John put one archive of Ron Cole related notes in there (different from the notes I mention above) - does anyone here happen to have a copy of that? John yanked it when they started to cause trouble and then they banned John shortly after they banned me. LOL - I have a copy on one of my archives, but I have almost 10 TB's of archives and not being the most organized person in the world and searching for them all - well, I've had more pleasure doing other things.
It has the circular motor that looks like a hollow disc spinning in a base and other notes. Some of you probably know what I'm talking about.
The Zero Force Motor is one of John's earliest works going back to the 1970's and Zero Force is a reference to the neutral line on a magnet or "Bloch Wall". And I don't know that I necessarily agree that it is a Lenzless motor either.
The ZFM was one of many air core motors, it is related to the "typical" window motor, the window motor in the glass case "Space Flux Motor", which has a circuit that is basically an SG circuit window motor with recovery and a generator coil 90 degrees off from the motor coil and other air core motors. One of his biggest quests early on was the development of a motor that had no iron core because of all its advantages and I think he even submitted a patent application for it in the 1970's or 1980's - I might have a copy of that in my archives.
The super pole concept also goes back to the 1970's - you can see it took a few decades for him to ever talk about that publicly. It was in his CD Clarifiers, but it wasn't until the early 2000's that he discussed it publicly for the motors. The original window motors were designed to use the super pole configuration as was most of his motors and his original ZFM designs were 2 poles - just North and South on a rotor. This doesn't necessarily mean to start making the ZFM and everything else with the super pole configuration or 2 poles - just mentioning it.
Many if not most questions asked of me, I probably do not know the answer from John's perspective - I might not even have my own answer, but will do my best. This is mostly to get the conversation going and not for me to be an expert on John's work.
Early on when I met John in 1999, he trusted me a lot because it was my mentor Rodger Estes who introduced me to him - he gave Rodger credit for saving his life with one of Rodger's medical devices and his Qigong treatments. I think he liked the fact that I didn't come to him as a fan trying to get a bunch of secrets from him and I had no idea who he was. I was starting fresh and didn't know a transistor from a diode.
One thing is that he never really had a protege - he was really willing to share almost anything with others that expressed a serious interest in his work but of course was cautious - he had to know he wasn't wasting his time or dealing with a crook. So, myself and a whole group of others collectively have the best compilation of what John knew and it isn't all trusted to one person. So anyone reading this that does have some pieces of the puzzle, please come forward and share that here.
I was fortunate that he gave me a lot of very straight answers because he knew I had no background in electronics - he didn't give me the "crumbs" method of teaching very often and he would sometimes just write me a schematic and say "Try this." He wrote me the schematic for the glass case motor - I took a picture of it and just have to find it. And of course there was plenty of ultra non-linear communications that filled the gaps. I don't blame him for that, when you have full pictures in your head of how things work or operate, its about the only way you can express them - as they come - as Tom said, "stream of consciousness" thinking. Early on in the 1970s to 1980s, he was a very prolific writer and that slowed way down in the 1990's and on as far as I could tell - still wasn't the greatest speller, but he was very detailed in his writings about what his understandings and ideas were. I have some of this in his early lab notes - this is quite different from his more modern-day notebooks, which I think are less writing and more diagrams, testing results, and ideas - but not entire dissertations.
Some of these lab notes, he has posted publicly for a long time. Towards the end, he was actually planning on starting to post many of his lab notes on his site but never got around to it because he was swamped with all the chargers and RPX units as well as covering Gary's duties at the company and taking care of Gary, etc. too much for anyone. He always wanted to help others but was not very good at asking other people to help him out.
These posts here were put in chronological order - so below is a post as my response to the multi-filar winding coils. I'll put something soon in a post that I reserved later in this thread after some of the questions.
Bob Teal was someone else that mastered the multifilar windings in parallel. Ron Cole gives some answers to that in the docs Dave shared. Eric Dollard gave me something else to chew on in regards to multifilar windings in parallel. I'm going to test what Eric said when I can. Ever hear of a non-inductive inductor? Bell Labs had this in some kind of relays in their analog networks. There is a way to design the coil so that the current makes a magnetic field because of the ampere turns, but it cannot develop any EMF. Therefore, amps x 0 volts = 0 watts to create a magnetic field. That is obviously beyond what Ron Cole was doing or figured out but if it proves to work, then applying it to something like the ZFM or any other motor means it would run for free. The Bell Labs coils required multifilar windings that were paralleled.
In images 5 and 8 you can see the bifilar in parallel. Bob Teal's grandson told me that he left a lot of details out of the patent as well.
I may only have a few useful things to add here and will take me time to dig thru notes (old lab notes) going back a lot of years and some of John's notes he copied for me in an old archive I haven't dived into for almost just as long. I know I have some notes that he shared with me that probably nobody else has except one particular person who I will not confirm if asked.
Years ago, David Michael Rogers and others had an Off The Grid (OTG) Yahoo Group. John put one archive of Ron Cole related notes in there (different from the notes I mention above) - does anyone here happen to have a copy of that? John yanked it when they started to cause trouble and then they banned John shortly after they banned me. LOL - I have a copy on one of my archives, but I have almost 10 TB's of archives and not being the most organized person in the world and searching for them all - well, I've had more pleasure doing other things.

The Zero Force Motor is one of John's earliest works going back to the 1970's and Zero Force is a reference to the neutral line on a magnet or "Bloch Wall". And I don't know that I necessarily agree that it is a Lenzless motor either.
The ZFM was one of many air core motors, it is related to the "typical" window motor, the window motor in the glass case "Space Flux Motor", which has a circuit that is basically an SG circuit window motor with recovery and a generator coil 90 degrees off from the motor coil and other air core motors. One of his biggest quests early on was the development of a motor that had no iron core because of all its advantages and I think he even submitted a patent application for it in the 1970's or 1980's - I might have a copy of that in my archives.
The super pole concept also goes back to the 1970's - you can see it took a few decades for him to ever talk about that publicly. It was in his CD Clarifiers, but it wasn't until the early 2000's that he discussed it publicly for the motors. The original window motors were designed to use the super pole configuration as was most of his motors and his original ZFM designs were 2 poles - just North and South on a rotor. This doesn't necessarily mean to start making the ZFM and everything else with the super pole configuration or 2 poles - just mentioning it.
Many if not most questions asked of me, I probably do not know the answer from John's perspective - I might not even have my own answer, but will do my best. This is mostly to get the conversation going and not for me to be an expert on John's work.
Early on when I met John in 1999, he trusted me a lot because it was my mentor Rodger Estes who introduced me to him - he gave Rodger credit for saving his life with one of Rodger's medical devices and his Qigong treatments. I think he liked the fact that I didn't come to him as a fan trying to get a bunch of secrets from him and I had no idea who he was. I was starting fresh and didn't know a transistor from a diode.
One thing is that he never really had a protege - he was really willing to share almost anything with others that expressed a serious interest in his work but of course was cautious - he had to know he wasn't wasting his time or dealing with a crook. So, myself and a whole group of others collectively have the best compilation of what John knew and it isn't all trusted to one person. So anyone reading this that does have some pieces of the puzzle, please come forward and share that here.
I was fortunate that he gave me a lot of very straight answers because he knew I had no background in electronics - he didn't give me the "crumbs" method of teaching very often and he would sometimes just write me a schematic and say "Try this." He wrote me the schematic for the glass case motor - I took a picture of it and just have to find it. And of course there was plenty of ultra non-linear communications that filled the gaps. I don't blame him for that, when you have full pictures in your head of how things work or operate, its about the only way you can express them - as they come - as Tom said, "stream of consciousness" thinking. Early on in the 1970s to 1980s, he was a very prolific writer and that slowed way down in the 1990's and on as far as I could tell - still wasn't the greatest speller, but he was very detailed in his writings about what his understandings and ideas were. I have some of this in his early lab notes - this is quite different from his more modern-day notebooks, which I think are less writing and more diagrams, testing results, and ideas - but not entire dissertations.
Some of these lab notes, he has posted publicly for a long time. Towards the end, he was actually planning on starting to post many of his lab notes on his site but never got around to it because he was swamped with all the chargers and RPX units as well as covering Gary's duties at the company and taking care of Gary, etc. too much for anyone. He always wanted to help others but was not very good at asking other people to help him out.
These posts here were put in chronological order - so below is a post as my response to the multi-filar winding coils. I'll put something soon in a post that I reserved later in this thread after some of the questions.
Originally posted by ZPDM
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In images 5 and 8 you can see the bifilar in parallel. Bob Teal's grandson told me that he left a lot of details out of the patent as well.