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Alternative Energy


This is the main alternative energy forum. Inside are multiple subforums on various topics and experts.

Forums Topics Posts Last Post
Alternative Energy - General
This is a general forum for discussion of various energy technologies that do not have their own specific forum.
Topics: 323 Posts: 2,663
323 2,663
Eric Dollard
Someone known to be one of the most knowledgable in the world in the science of Electricity, Eric Dollard may know more about Tesla's Wireless Electricity than anyone alive.
Topics: 13 Posts: 68
13 68
Green Building - Main
Main Green Building forum for general discussion. Also includes some topic specific subforums.
Topics: 16 Posts: 107
16 107
by russwr
Internal Combustion Engines
This forum is for discussion of various ways to increase the efficiency of internal combustion engines. This includes gasoline, diesel or other fuels. And it includes automobiles, portable generators, etc...
Topics: 33 Posts: 1,458
33 1,458
John Bedini
This is the official John Bedini forum dedicated to his work in multiple areas of energy including the SG Energizers, Crystal Batteries, etc... Make sure to get a copy of Bedini SG - The Complete Beginner's Handbook at
Topics: 1,055 Posts: 18,293
1,055 18,293
Crystal Batteries (36/1,066)
Window Motors (22/451)
Mechanical Amplifiers
This is for discussion of mechanical devices that increase work done by using gravitational input. This includes the work of Veljko Milković, Fernando Sixto Ramos Solano and others.
Topics: 14 Posts: 166
14 166
Nikola Tesla
The Grandfather of many of today's modern conveniences. Much of our lifestyle of today would not be possible if it were not for this rare Genius of the past.
Topics: 34 Posts: 402
34 402
Peter Lindemann
The Official Peter Lindemann forum dedicated to his work in multiple areas including energy, health, agriculture, etc...
Topics: 24 Posts: 222
Last Post: Self Acting Engine
24 222
Tom Booth
Water Fuel
This forum is dedicated to various forms of water fuel.
Topics: 34 Posts: 262
34 262