Hi Richard, 
I have a folder I downloaded called "Bedini -Cole Window Motor Lab Notes" that I think Dave Wing posted a couple of years ago. One file shows a "multi pole inside out Faraday motor" dated 8-1988 (Cole - Bedini). In another file (by Cole) dated 9-1989 it's called a "6x6 LCF motor" and looks to be the same as a 6 pole window motor. And in a file dated 8-1988 (Brown, Cole, Bedini) showing the details of the rotor, it's called an LCF DC motor (Linear Counter Field). I think these are all early terms to describe what we now call a "window motor".
And there is yet another file showing a "Faraday type Ironless Motor" which looks to be what we now call the "Zero Force Motor" (ZFM).
My take away is that the window motor and the ZFM are two different versions of an ironless Faraday motor and exhibit very similar operating characteristics.

Originally posted by Richard
And there is yet another file showing a "Faraday type Ironless Motor" which looks to be what we now call the "Zero Force Motor" (ZFM).
My take away is that the window motor and the ZFM are two different versions of an ironless Faraday motor and exhibit very similar operating characteristics.