Hello group,
Today I am posting a run on a Walmart deep cell trolling battery. I did this one in gen mode, it took about eighteen hours. I did not use the Aurduino duty cycle trick from the last video, mostly because I do not have more genny coils for the machine yet. I can harvest a little off the back genny coil but it's not really enough to do much with so I have just moved the coil up out of the way and am running normally for now.
This run is not showing anything new really accept maybe a look at a run using the home built lifePO4 pack as the primary. I mostly just wanted to post because there are not many people posting runs.
Here are the batteries:

And the charts:

And a short video showing the start, middle and end of the run:
Today I am posting a run on a Walmart deep cell trolling battery. I did this one in gen mode, it took about eighteen hours. I did not use the Aurduino duty cycle trick from the last video, mostly because I do not have more genny coils for the machine yet. I can harvest a little off the back genny coil but it's not really enough to do much with so I have just moved the coil up out of the way and am running normally for now.
This run is not showing anything new really accept maybe a look at a run using the home built lifePO4 pack as the primary. I mostly just wanted to post because there are not many people posting runs.
Here are the batteries:
And the charts:
And a short video showing the start, middle and end of the run: