Hi Nityesh and John K et al
OK, I guess I am a little confused. Is this bipolar switch meant to run with on an SG (solid state or wheeled), or am I thinking of the wrong Ron Cole bipolar switch? Or is it more like a TS?
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Ron Cole's Bipolar Switch
Hi James, that setup was more of a concept than reality. What I mean is that the system was not sized correctly, in that the Bedini SG I used could not push the larger battery bank up to full charge. This is no fault of the technology, but it goes to show that you must size the batteries to the SG.
If I did that setup again I would use the latest Solar Tracker and also a linear regulator amplifier on the output of the SG. But that's a conversation for a different thread. You still need to size the batteries to the system though...
John K.
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AVISO just a battery car
Originally posted by Faraday88 View PostHi Dwane,
Its as simple as you miss Mr. Aviso Ismael of Philippines in your long paragraph of rants for me...! explain to me what he(Aviso) is doing if you are so confident that i use redundant terms.. none in this form have even mentioned of linking Aviso's replication to E.V Gary's Effect..(not even Mark Mc-kcay...by the way there is something that i too have pointed to Mark on the CSET, just search for the thread on E.V Gary in this form you shall know if you are interested)
Please do not confuse my comments as "RANTS", they were intended to help you see some clarity in your arguments. The AVISO system is absolutely different to the E V Gray concept, which is why Mark McKay and others have not included it in their hypotheses of the Gray Motor. And, concerning your habit of loosely jumping into forum threads with half baked explanations, I stand by my comments. You might do a lot of reading, but, unlike a lot of other members of this forum who actually build units, you do not seem to understand some of the intricacies of the problems faced with "Radiant Energies". You think that you can understand how something works without having to prove it.
My apologies to the other thread readers'. This is my final comment to Faraday88 on the E V Gray motor.
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Hi John K
Sorry this is off topic, but I wanted to ask you about you solar panel, running solar tracker, charging small battery, running DIY charger, charging bigger battery thing in your shop...Is it still doing what was shown on the video? Can you elaborate on it a bit? You can PM me if you you want to stay on topic here...Last edited by James_Somewhere_In_Idaho; 12-14-2015, 03:49 PM.
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Originally posted by Nityesh Schnaderbeck View PostJohn_Korn Have you tried to completely isolate the 555 timer driver circuit, from the battery switching circuit, and run the 555 timer driver circuit on it's own power supply, with your Ron Cole Switch.
The 4 battery Bedini Tesla Switch and the Tri-Symmetrical 3 battery Switch both take have the load between the negatives, have you noticed that the Ron Cole Switch has it's load between the positives.
It would be an interesting experiment to try the load between the negatives, like shown below.
Nityesh Schnaderbeck
Not yet with the Ron Cole switch, but yes with previous experiments.
At the moment I'm still in the "replicate, don't innovate" mode
John K.
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Originally posted by Nityesh Schnaderbeck View PostHere is a simplified Ron Cole Switch that would be good for experimenting with small batteries like AA Ni-cads. The original Ron Cole Switch, would be able to switch more current than this one.
This is something I will experiment with to see if, the "Reversed electricity" appears, like with the 4 Battery Bedini Tesla Switch and the Tri-Symmetrical 3 battery Tesla Switch.
So I can test this circuit on some small batteries and see what the experiment tells me.
Nityesh Schnaderbeck
John K.
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This circuit is to find out if "Reversed Electricity" appears in the Ron Cole Switch
The test is to see if Red LED1 & Red LED2 flash.
This will test if "Reversed Electricity" can appear between capacitors and batteries.
Nityesh Schnaderbeck
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John_Korn Have you tried to completely isolate the 555 timer driver circuit, from the battery switching circuit, and run the 555 timer driver circuit on it's own power supply, with your Ron Cole Switch.
The 4 battery Bedini Tesla Switch and the Tri-Symmetrical 3 battery Switch both take have the load between the negatives, have you noticed that the Ron Cole Switch has it's load between the positives.
It would be an interesting experiment to try the load between the negatives, like shown below.
Nityesh SchnaderbeckLast edited by Nityesh Schnaderbeck; 12-14-2015, 05:51 AM.
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Here is a simplified Ron Cole Switch that would be good for experimenting with small batteries like AA Ni-cads. The original Ron Cole Switch, would be able to switch more current than this one.
This is something I will experiment with to see if, the "Reversed electricity" appears, like with the 4 Battery Bedini Tesla Switch and the Tri-Symmetrical 3 battery Tesla Switch.
So I can test this circuit on some small batteries and see what the experiment tells me.
Nityesh SchnaderbeckLast edited by Nityesh Schnaderbeck; 12-14-2015, 02:32 PM.
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It is extremely simple to program a switching function. You can use the device for many more complex tasks but just to switch at precise times it's just a loop.
Here is an example:
int mosfet = 12 ; (These statements give a name to the pins for the rest of the code)
int led = 13 ;
void setup() {
pinMode(mosfet, OUTPUT); (These statements tell the controller that you want to use the pin as an output rather than a reader)
pinMode(led, OUTPUT);}
void loop() {
digitalWrite (mosfet, LOW) ; (this tells the pin to go "low" or off)
delayMicroseconds (3000) ; (This tells it how long to wait until next line of code executes)
digitalWrite (mosfet, HIGH) ; (This tells it to go "high" or ON)
delayMicroseconds (2500) ; } (This tells it how long to wait until next code execution)
So what this code here does is simply turn off for 3000 microseconds and then turn on for 2500 microseconds, then repeat in a loop.
You can precisely set your on time/off time. And as I was saying before you could add second or third pins to switch make the bipolar or how ever many you need with a dead zone (low) between.
You need to just keep in mind the limit of the device your switching which can be found in the data sheet and not try to switch faster than the device can handle.
This is just a simple switch code but I have done some very elaborate programs which go through many timed switches for variation, imagine like on times from 2500, then 2700, then 3000, and so on. You can vary your intensity or off times in step fashion. Tons of tuning possibilities.Last edited by BobZilla; 12-13-2015, 05:56 PM.
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Originally posted by BobZilla View PostNityesh,
I have not worked on this circuit but I saw your comment about using an aurduino and I thought I would share what I know. It would be very easy to adjust your timing down to micro-seconds. I have done this on a single pole switch arrangement driving a FET directly from the micro controller signal. The FET I used used so little current on the gate that no external supply is required, just the aurduino 5v rail. To control two switches you would simply add the code for another output pin and add a third pin in the middle which would not need to be connected to anything, just a time function between the other two in a loop.
Here is an example of a single throw setup I worked on.
Nityesh Schnaderbeck
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Originally posted by Tom C View Postnityesh,
most commercial chargers run using a pic that I have seen, they can be very robust. depending upon the chip you use. here is an article on the different chips and clock speeds
Tom C
The 4 Battery Bedini Switch and the Ron Cole Bipolar Switch both use an RC time constant, for their timebase.
Have a look at this info This Explains it. (Not my words)
Inexpensive resistors and capacitors do not have tolerances capable of providing an accurate clock frequency which is good enough for measuring time, transmitting or receiving serial information and other time measurement or time critical applications.http://www.piclist.com/techref/microchip/osc.htm
John_Korn, with your Ron Cole Bipolar Switch I can see the importance of a good quality capacitor and resistor for you RC time base circuit. "Find the lowest leakage capacitor you can find". With my 4 battery Bedini Switch I used two 1uF polyester capacitors connected in parallel to make 2uF.
Thankyou Tom C for the info.
Nityesh SchnaderbeckLast edited by Nityesh Schnaderbeck; 12-12-2015, 05:51 PM.
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