Greetings erfinder,
I'd like to say, that i greatly appreciate what you are sharing with us!
I'm crossing fingers every time, you have to argue with somebody who doesn't understand, but more important doesn't want, what you are trying to share!
Even thou I still can not imagine clearly enough your ideas, I read very carefully every post! Please, keep going!
I think, that in case one could not figure somebody's idea, we have souls, which can help us to feel whether the information is real and not allow our ignorance to prevent us from learning something new.
With respect to one of your previous posts, I'm interested if you can offer a kit, which can help understand more of your findings and to help your research.
Kindest regards,
I'd like to say, that i greatly appreciate what you are sharing with us!
I'm crossing fingers every time, you have to argue with somebody who doesn't understand, but more important doesn't want, what you are trying to share!
Even thou I still can not imagine clearly enough your ideas, I read very carefully every post! Please, keep going!
I think, that in case one could not figure somebody's idea, we have souls, which can help us to feel whether the information is real and not allow our ignorance to prevent us from learning something new.
With respect to one of your previous posts, I'm interested if you can offer a kit, which can help understand more of your findings and to help your research.
Kindest regards,