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  • totoalas
    Thanks Vtech
    for the swift reply and on the 27 mhz
    Ive had my collection of microwave oven ring magnets almost 2000 pcs..... think its time to use them in water structuring using 1/2 in dia stainless 316 pipe and 4 n s n s magnets enclosed with pvc/ foam filler ......
    Also I will start to build on the flyback solar ozonator ,,,, too much time wasted on the pulse motor......
    as for the device below are the tests made
    liver function liver fat content normal range actual measurement value
    kidney function uric acid index
    Bone mineral density Amount of calcium loss
    Trace element calcium
    Eye collagen eye wrinkle
    collagen fat metabolism
    cardiovascular and cerebrovascular
    gastrointestinal function
    gallbladder function
    kidney function
    liver function
    brain nerve
    blood sugar
    all in one minute most of the index I failed ???? maybe its time for diet

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  • blackchisel97
    Originally posted by totoalas View Post
    Hi V Tech
    Out of curiosity I went to a 1 minute test with this apparatus
    and the results are somewhat related to what my body had such blurry right eye palpitating heart
    back pain etc

    May I know whats your opinion on this as If it can replace full diagnostics test in a hospital using x ray ultra sound or same test the difference is its free and they say it can be used as reference by doctors????
    or just plain propaganda to sell their wellness supplement cleanse and coffee enemas

    Hi totoalas,
    Personally, I don't see anything wrong in enemas, rather the opposite. As for this particular device, there are plenty of them being marketed, including China. I don't know enough about it to answer your question but I'll try to gather some information.
    As for your other post related to 27MHz and possible effect on water; George Lakhovsky Multiwave Oscillator antenna has resonant peak (1st resonance) of the largest, outer ring at exactly same frequency.


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  • totoalas
    Quantum Magnetic Resonance Analyser

    Originally posted by blackchisel97 View Post
    Our skin can have various thickness and some people are more sensitive than others. Use of conductive gels or saline can reduce skin irritation.

    Hi V Tech
    Out of curiosity I went to a 1 minute test with this apparatus
    and the results are somewhat related to what my body had such blurry right eye palpitating heart
    back pain etc

    May I know whats your opinion on this as If it can replace full diagnostics test in a hospital using x ray ultra sound or same test the difference is its free and they say it can be used as referencce by doctors????

    or just plain propaganda to sell their wellness supplement cleanse and coffee enemas


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  • blackchisel97
    Forbidden Cures -
    Cancer - The Forbidden Cures - YouTube


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  • blackchisel97
    Magnetic Brain Stimulation Might Aid Stroke Recovery: Study - US News and World Report


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  • blackchisel97
    Originally posted by Cary Karen View Post
    In my stand about Electrotherapy this well be used for medical treatment. This is also formed of many devices by giving the power of battery. However, electrotherapy have disadvantage you can have an allergic skin irritation that you can get due to electrical charges.
    Our skin can have various thickness and some people are more sensitive than others. Use of conductive gels or saline can reduce skin irritation.


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  • Cary Karen
    In my stand about Electrotherapy this well be used for medical treatment. This is also formed of many devices by giving the power of battery. However, electrotherapy have disadvantage you can have an allergic skin irritation that you can get due to electrical charges.

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  • ZPDM

    Apologize I don't have time at the moment to look into this further, but in line with your thread thought you might find it of interest.

    Performance Improves with Transcranial Random Noise Stimulation – Developing Intelligence



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  • ZPDM
    When she was born they were still hunting and burning such ladies at the stake. Things changed. They don't use fire anymore out of concern over CO2 emission. They use lawyers instead.

    That is painfully funny

    It is interesting however, to go straight to the vaunted "peer reviewed literature" and see there are things with very significant effects often demonstrated even in randomized human clinical trials with a control arm, that just occur but never change medical practice. At some point I really want to try and see what there might be in the research literature on electricity and magnetism but that is one area where I suspect there is not even the formal research being done, let alone it ever being applied. Still when I find some time I'll try and fish around.

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  • blackchisel97
    Thank you for stopping by and sharing Paul. Lavender was always one of my favorite fragrances (soap) and I tried to plant some around whenever possible. My recent interest in essential oils brought back some memories and drew my attention back to this amazing plant. I remember my great grandmother picking various herbs and plants from the forest and meadows. She had a remedy for everything and they worked. When she was born they were still hunting and burning such ladies at the stake. Things changed. They don't use fire anymore out of concern over CO2 emission. They use lawyers instead.


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  • ZPDM
    Originally posted by blackchisel97 View Post
    This isn't from the field of electrotherapy but still related to our health - Could Lavender Be the Solution to Drug-Resistant Infections?


    Just spent maybe ten minutes looking at PubMed (peer reviewed published medical literature) with a search of "laveneder" in the article title. Yes laveneder has some antimicrobial properties, but that is not all. I've really just glanced at a small bit of what has been researched in the past five years (while what has been reserached may or may not be what is most important). Still, I'll throw a few article titles out there.

    Antibacterial activity of thyme and lavender essential oils. "Thyme oil demonstrated a good efficacy against antibiotics resistant strains of the tested bacteria. Lavender oil has been less activity(sic) against clinical strains of Staphylococcus, Enterococcus and Escherichia genus".

    [Sensitivity assessment of thyme and lavender essential oils against clinical strains of Escherichia coli for their resistance]. "Thyme and lavender essential oils were active against multi drug resistant clinical strains of Escherichia coli genera.

    Antibacterial activity of essential oils from palmarosa, evening primrose, lavender and tuberose. "Both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria were found susceptible to the studied flower essential oils."

    The antimicrobial activity of high-necrodane and other lavender oils on methicillin-sensitive and -resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MSSA and MRSA).
    "The results suggest that combinations of lavender oils should be investigated further for possible use in antibacterial products."

    Again a 10 minute glance, however, this is nowhere near all, lavender is also being looked at as an anxiolytic, possibly analgesic, but which aids both cognition and concentration. I'll just throw out a few more titles of studies all done since 2008 (not sure what I'd find if I spent 20 mnutes on it)

    Lavender bath oil reduces stress and crying and enhances sleep in very young infants.

    Essential oil of lavender inhibited the decreased attention during a long-term task in humans.
    "The results suggest that the administration of lavender helped to maintain sustained attention during the long-term task."

    A multi-center, double-blind, randomised study of the Lavender oil preparation Silexan in comparison to Lorazepam for generalized anxiety disorder. "Since lavender oil showed no sedative effects in our study and has no potential for drug abuse, silexan (lavender oil) appears to be an effective and well tolerated alternative to benzodiazepines for amelioration of generalised anxiety."

    Alright this one, without having reviewed the study in depth, is nonetheless worthy of brief comment. Anxiolytics including benzodiapines such as valium (mother's little helper) are a billion or more dollar a year industry. Here you have a 1) large "multi-center" 2) double blind 3) randomized study finding lavender oil an "effective and well tolerated alternative to benzodiaepines". Except this approach is non addictive, and helps with sleep, concentration and cognition, at least if we put any value on the vaunted "peer-reviewed" medical literature. Oh and its a decent antibiotic. So I'm just sure we will see this all over the market in the next couple years

    The study protocol of a blinded randomised-controlled cross-over trial of lavender oil as a treatment of behavioural symptoms in dementia. "If our results show that the use of lavender oil is effective in reducing challenging behaviours in individuals with dementia, it will potentially provide a safer intervention rather than reliance on pharmacology alone."

    Neuroprotective effects of inhaled lavender oil on scopolamine-induced dementia via anti-oxidative activities in rats. "Taken together, our results suggest that antioxidant and antiapoptotic activities of the lavender essential oils are the major mechanisms for their potent neuroprotective effects against scopolamine-induced oxidative stress in the rat brain."

    Effects of lavender aroma on sleep quality in healthy ***anese students. "The findings suggest that nighttime exposure to lavender aroma relieves sleepiness at awakening." (A side note, I am unable to type ***-anese on this forum and have the whole word appear??)

    Effects of lavender oil inhalation on improving scopolamine-induced spatial memory impairment in laboratory rats. " Taken together, multiple exposures to lavender essential oils could effectively reverse spatial memory deficits induced by dysfunction of the cholinergic system in the rat brain and might provide an opportunity for management neurological abnormalities in dementia conditions."

    Lavender essential oil in the treatment of migraine headache: a placebo-controlled clinical trial. "The present study suggests that inhalation of lavender essential oil may be an effective and safe treatment modality in acute management of migraine headaches."

    Topical lavender oil for the treatment of recurrent aphthous ulceration.
    "Animals treated with lavender oil showed a significant ulcer size reduction, increased rate of mucosal repair,"

    Sorry to drone on, but I hadn't looked into Lavender before this I think its a winner and I think I'll look at previous years research and plant some in the garden box this spring.
    Last edited by ZPDM; 04-23-2013, 04:00 AM.

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  • Aric Dyson
    Originally posted by blackchisel97 View Post
    I decided to start a new thread under general term of Electrotherapy which will include all other therapeutic, healing, stimulating or diagnostic devices, beside those being already discussed in other threads.
    There is some interesting information on this site and this is a link to one of a few subjects - H Wave Therapy - Electrotherapy on the Web - H Wave Therapy

    This is really interesting and As far as I know as what I've been studying before this methods helps a lot specifically on medical term. Moreover, you can use this therapeutic so that you can identify what are the uses of this term.

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  • blackchisel97
    This isn't from the field of electrotherapy but still related to our health - Could Lavender Be the Solution to Drug-Resistant Infections?


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  • totoalas
    Originally posted by blackchisel97 View Post
    There is some interesting reading on ozone therapies, including ozonated water, oils, saunas, insufflations etc. -
    Ozonated Water

    Thanks for the link
    lot of videos and im currently using one from a foot spa machine took out the hose and use in my distilled water bottles
    cleans and removed my back pain within 3 hours.....

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  • blackchisel97
    There is some interesting reading on ozone therapies, including ozonated water, oils, saunas, insufflations etc. -
    Ozonated Water


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