Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) is a natural substance with a variety of uses. It has an alkalizing effect, which means it reduces acidity.
Cancer cells thrive in an acidic environment. Proponents of the baking soda theory believe that reducing the acidity of your body (making it more alkaline) will prevent tumors from growing and spreading.
Proponents also claim that eating alkaline foods, like baking soda, will reduce the acidity of your body. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work that way. Your body maintains a fairly stable pH level regardless of what you eat.
Baking soda can’t prevent cancer from developing. There is, however, some research suggesting that it might be an effective complementary treatment for people who have cancer.
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cure cancer with baking really works
From what i read, baking soda has an alkalizing effect which reduces acidity in the body. But doesn't our body maintains a fairly stable pH level regardless of what we eat?
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Originally posted by Peterlee632 View PostThere’s no scientific evidence to suggest that baking soda can prevent cancer. It’s important to remember that cancer grows quite well in healthy tissue with normal pH levels. Additionally, naturally acidic environments, like the stomach, don’t encourage cancer growth.
You can read this article...
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Originally posted by Forrest View Post
Hi all, This does work! I have done this for three years. My atrophic gastritis, arthritis, periodontal disease, and shortness of breath when exercising is gone. My father in law also killed his cancer this way. I am living proof that it will not harm you.
You can read this article...
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Originally posted by luis_jacob12Baking Soda Helps Regulate pH Levels
Given its alkalizing (or basic) pH of approximately 9.0, baking soda counteracts the acidity that accumulates in the body. Baking soda is useful to regulate by buffering the pH of cells, tissues, and voltage homeostasis within cells. It is also useful to increase oxygenation and carbon dioxide. Baking soda can also be used to aid the body in the detoxification process and support the body in healing from radiation exposure and oxidative damage
But remind :
It is important to treat each type of cancer with the right dosage
The best way to try to eliminate a tumour is to bring it into contact with sodium bicarbonate, as closely as possible, i.e. using oral administration for the digestive tract, enemas for the rectum, douching for the vagina and uterus, intravenous injection for the lung and the brain, and inhalation for the upper airways. Breasts, lymph nodes and subcutaneous lumps can be treated with local perfusions.
The internal organs can be treated with sodium bicarbonate by locating suitable catheters in the arteries (of the liver, pancreas, prostate, and limbs) or in the cavities (of the pleura or peritoneum).
more details here:
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You can try to use watercress.
With many phytonutrients, one of the greatest health benefits of watercress is to lower the risk of cancer.
Most studies recommend that the daily intake of over 80 grams of watercress would generate positive outcomes.
Watercress, along with other cruciferous vegetables, contains phytochemical compounds that encourage the body to enhance cellular protection.
Some antioxidants in watercress, such as beta-carotene or lutein (which carrots contain much), have the anti-carcinogenic quality, which is beneficial for cancer prevention.
Click this link to get more details:
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Originally posted by Aaron Murakami View PostDo you have a link to the Kidney studies? Also, what is your personal take on the Dr. Simoncini's method of mixing baking soda with maple syrup?
From 2009 "Bicarbonate supplementation slows progression of CKD and improves nutritional status" The full text is available on right hand side of Pubmed page. Large randomized controlled study with 134 patients. Creatine clearance is a common measure of kidney function, gets too low one needs dialysis or transplant, it declined 5.93 ml/min in control group 1.88 ml/min in treatment group a 68% improvement. If you go through the full article you find they gave 600 mg Na(HCO3)2 three times daily for a total of 1.8 grams/day. What is that 1/2, 1/4 teaspoon? Oh but I was wrong about the treatment costing 1/3 cent per day, I see they have online a four pound box of Arm and Hammer baking soda for $2.24. At 1.8 grams per day that works out to 0.198 cents/day.
From 2010 Daily oral sodium bicarbonate preserves glomerular filtration rate by slowing its decline in early hypertensive nephropathy. Large, randomized, placebo controlled 5 year study, similar results to the first. Also, interestingly, neither study found any significant blood pressure changes despite the large, long term sodium load, makes you go hmmmmm. Nothing has been done since in the area. Kind of hard to to dig the studies out amongst the literally dozens and dozens of studies done before and since about whether baking soda prevents contrast dye nephropathy to allow for more frequent expensive imaging studies, I mean sure its a problem but is it a leading cause of death like KD.
re Dr. Simoncini, don't know a great deal about him, I basically know that he has compiled a large number of case studies which I hope he has been able to publish and that he is controversial, I suspect he is probably onto at least something. Re maple syrup/sodium bicarbonate I can speculate a lot on that because at first glance it is counter-intuitive but might not be. So just, hopefully briefly, off the top of my head, glucose transporters are invariably/almost invariably? over expressed in cancer cells. This is because they generally switch to anaerobic metabolism (Warburg effect, after Otto Warburg, think he won a Noble for that finding). Anaerobic metabolism is far less efficient so cancer cells seek vast amounts of glucose. So generally what you want to do is avoid all sugar and for that matter most starch to starve the cancer of energy. Unfortunately cancer cells are faculative anaerobes and can switch back to aerobic metabolism if needed but it at least evens the playing field. Interestingly I just saw an article where they looked at why do cancer cells use anaerobic metabolism when it is a much less efficient use of glucose. What they concluded is that if you don't care about efficiency and are just trying to go pedal to the metal maximum energy production per unit time than anaerobic is superior assuming you have sufficient glucose. So generally want to avoid glucose. That said, if you look say at vitamin C, in the oxidized state it is close enough to glucose to pass through glucose transporters, in cancer cells it gets reduced and then can't pass back out through the same channels and so preferentially accumulates in cancer cells. This is well established, likely doesn't make much of a difference to cancers unless you have massive, persistent amounts of vitamin C floating around as you might see with high dose IV therapy, but the point is you can use the over expressed glucose channels against the cancer. If somehow the sodium bicarbonate, after digestion, is still associated with the glucose in maple syrup, than it would tag along and large amounts would end up in cancer cells. So if it is anti cancer and is associated with the glucose that would be plausible reason for why the combination might help. Then again, Dr. Simoncini may have just found something that works and we don't figure out why for 100 years. On the surface from what we know it is a bad idea unless the over expression of glucose transporters is being used against the cancer to deliver a toxic payload of sodium bicarb, which I suspect is what the good Dr. is looking to do.Last edited by ZPDM; 10-06-2016, 11:12 PM.
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Originally posted by ZPDM View PostThere are last I checked at least two randomized controlled decent sized human clinical trials showing the equivalent of about 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda per day cut the rate of progression of chronic kidney disease by more than half. At the same time there were somewhere around 17 clinical trials looking at whether baking soda cut the rate of CT contrast dye induced nephropathy (looks like it does). But hey who cares if you can nearly cure the seventh leading cause of death in the U.S. (chronic kidney disease) with a non toxic oral treatment that costs about 1/3 cent per day. The more important question for the "industry" at least judging by study numbers is can we use this stuff to do more $500-$1,000 contrast enhanced CTs without frying so may of our patients' kidneys in the process, not good for business. So not a bad goal but from a medical standpoint a rather distorted risk benefit analysis for research dollars. As Forrest points out, baking soda in moderation anecdotally helps with many things but good luck getting the research dollars to rigorously document and further investigate all this, that is not a financial priority for the industry.
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There are last I checked at least two randomized controlled decent sized human clinical trials showing the equivalent of about 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda per day cut the rate of progression of chronic kidney disease by more than half. At the same time there were somewhere around 17 clinical trials looking at whether baking soda cut the rate of CT contrast dye induced nephropathy (looks like it does). But hey who cares if you can nearly cure the seventh leading cause of death in the U.S. (chronic kidney disease) with a non toxic oral treatment that costs about 1/3 cent per day. The more important question for the "industry" at least judging by study numbers is can we use this stuff to do more $500-$1,000 contrast enhanced CTs without frying so may of our patients' kidneys in the process, not good for business. So not a bad goal but from a medical standpoint a rather distorted risk benefit analysis for research dollars. As Forrest points out, baking soda in moderation anecdotally helps with many things but good luck getting the research dollars to rigorously document and further investigate all this, that is not a financial priority for the industry.Last edited by ZPDM; 10-03-2016, 10:04 PM.
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wow. great thread.. baking soda is so useful then according to you.. thanks for the post dear
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Baking Soda, or Calcium Bi-Carbonate which is I think is the same thing that Calcite Crystals and Limestone are made from.
Basically inside our body it is well known to balance the acidity of our blood. Its thought that this re-alkalising of
our blood reduces the load of acid loving Pathogens in our blood stream and therefore promotes the bio-chemical pathways required to
regulate towards good health. Homeopaths will measure the PH level of your urine to determine your blood ph.
Its a interesting substance. The ancient Egyptians covered there Giza Pyramid with it and polished it to a high shine.
The very angle's of the Giza Pyramid are the same as Calcium Bi-Carbonate crystal form Calcite/limestone thus a self
referential resonant dipole is formed. This would resonate with what? Universal Vibrations?
Stan Tenen of the Meru foundation pointed out that there are 5 Universal Constants found in its atomic geometric structure.
These 5 Universal constants within one molecule/crystal does present some rather interesting Energetic science directions to pursue.
It is basically a formation from Bones. So your bones are essentially made from it. So if your bones form a resonant antennae array
conforming to the ratio of Phi, 1.618 then this substance significance can be raised considerably.
I have not found a pleasing way to consume it. It tastes terrible.
There are lots of new information on Cancer remedies.
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cure cancer with baking really works
Hi all, This does work! I have done this for three years. My atrophic gastritis, arthritis, periodontal disease, and shortness of breath when exercising is gone. My father in law also killed his cancer this way. I am living proof that it will not harm you.
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