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  • Scorch
    Speaking of sticking to the directions; are there any better directions for the replication of Shawnee's original single battery system?

    When I study John's original directions I discover a specification for a magnet that measures 5/8" X 5/8" but is missing the third dimension and fails to specify type of magnet or grade.
    And when I try to locate ceramic magnets with these first two dimensions; I am not finding any at the regular suppliers.

    Somebody suggested I use round magnets and I have in fact bought some 5/8" diameter X 3/8" thick Grade 5 ceramic disks as well as some 3/4" X 3/8" thick grade 8 magnets and I would love to use round magnets because it's very easy to drill a hole and mount a round magnet in a wheel. BUT, at this point, I have already strayed away from the original directions for want of clarification and source.

    Any suggestions? Does anybody here know what magnets Shawnee actually used?

    Please respond.
    Kindest regards;

    Originally posted by John_Koorn View Post
    Hi all and welcome to the Bedini Monopole 3 - Beginners forum.

    Build the energizer as directed and don't change a thing until you understand how the machine works.

    John K.

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  • yvesbaggi
    I'm completely with you on that one, this is my aim as well:
    dischare the 'exess' charged battery through an inverter.

    How far did you get with it?


    Originally posted by John Koar View Post
    I am John Koar.
    I recently purchased and built the single coil window motor. I have run it for several days and basically discharged batteries and have a net energy dissipation. I suspect that the unit is running correctly because when I disconnect the charging battery, the neon light comes on to indicate the high voltage spike. The voltage on the charging battery will increase but, not as fast as the primary discharges. Running amperages are 350ma for the primary and about 40ma for the charging battery.
    I want to use an inverter to discharge the newly charged batteries and determine the amp hours supplied with the scheme that one battery should charge more than one others. So far no joy.
    To remedy this I request information about tuning. I am using the 330 ohm resistor. Should I increase or decrease this? Will this have a significant impact? How about turning the coil upside down with respect to the rotating magnets to go from attraction to repulsion mode or vice-versa?
    I would like to stand on the shoulders of giants ... any advice?

    Best regards to answerers

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  • lis_wang
    Hi, Faraday88

    Thank you very much and appreciate your help.

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  • Faraday88
    Hi Lis,

    Charging-Discharging is an Oscillatory mechanism, when you cycle them this way you cause the Battery get conditioned to the ping pong effect, that way they behave new every time you Radiantly excite them... this is reason to cycle the battaries.

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  • Tom C
    could you please post a picture of your motor and the circuit.

    Tom C

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  • John Koar
    I am John Koar.
    I recently purchased and built the single coil window motor. I have run it for several days and basically discharged batteries and have a net energy dissipation. I suspect that the unit is running correctly because when I disconnect the charging battery, the neon light comes on to indicate the high voltage spike. The voltage on the charging battery will increase but, not as fast as the primary discharges. Running amperages are 350ma for the primary and about 40ma for the charging battery.
    I want to use an inverter to discharge the newly charged batteries and determine the amp hours supplied with the scheme that one battery should charge more than one others. So far no joy.
    To remedy this I request information about tuning. I am using the 330 ohm resistor. Should I increase or decrease this? Will this have a significant impact? How about turning the coil upside down with respect to the rotating magnets to go from attraction to repulsion mode or vice-versa?
    I would like to stand on the shoulders of giants ... any advice?

    Best regards to answerers

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  • lis_wang
    Dear Aaron

    I do not understand that why the SSG requires to cycle at least one battery through a charging and loading scheme many times, then its charging energizer effect can be seen?


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  • lis_wang

    May I know how to rewire the computer fan to build SSG and how to remove the circuit board from the fan casing? I tried to remove from the fan casing, but it broke. The circuit board is glued with the casing tightly.

    Thanks for your help

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  • Aaron Murakami
    Hi Lis,

    That yahoo group isn't active anymore because it basically moved here. However, you can still see the archives of all posts, etc...

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  • lis_wang
    Dear Brian

    Thanks for your suggestion and I have bought the book. I ordered some components online and waiting for it arrives then I will start to build it. I would like to join Bedini_monopole3 group on Yahoo, not only in group. May I know how to joint the yahoo group?


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  • Brian McNece
    Since you already posted a message I think you can consider yourself joined!!!
    If you are really new to all this, may I strongly suggest you spend a few dollars and get yourself a copy of the Bedini SG beginners hand book, you won't regret it. It will get you started in the right direction.
    Then when you are building or experimenting and run into a challenge come ask a question, you will find a wealth of info here.

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  • lis_wang
    How to joint the Bedini_monopole3 group on Yahoo

    Originally posted by wrtner View Post
    Suggestion for John or John.

    When people joined the Bedini_monopole3 group on Yahoo, they were sent,
    as a matter of course, about six essential files, starting with the big pdf,
    pictures of equipment, index of important posts, an xls for COP determination etc etc.

    I think it would be useful if, when registering for this board, that they get
    sent those same files.
    I understand this group is for strictly for invited member only. How can I joint it? I am very interested to build one SSG and test it. Thanks

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  • wrtner
    Suggestion for John or John.

    When people joined the Bedini_monopole3 group on Yahoo, they were sent,
    as a matter of course, about six essential files, starting with the big pdf,
    pictures of equipment, index of important posts, an xls for COP determination etc etc.

    I think it would be useful if, when registering for this board, that they get
    sent those same files.

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  • Frank Castanette
    Cop test

    First of all, would like to say what an awsome conference at the end of June! Special thanks to John and Peter, Aaron and moderators Tom C, John K, Eric, Ralph and all the others that contributed! The closer warmer venu at the lodge was much more enjoyable than the big Hotel last year.

    For myself, alot of questions answered and of course now I have newly inpired ones.

    I have been following the emails, but have not contributed much, was not in a position to do so, because of my schedule

    started with the toy window motor at last years conference, (no previous electronics) than ordered the mini 3 coil. Decided that I needed something larger to do my 20 run COP, as it took way to long to charge my 7ah for me to get some consistancy in testing, that would work with my schedule. So I built a large 3 coil monopole,6-#8 magnets, 8inch flywheel, 3Quad coils, 18guage, 180 feet.....before the conference it would not run @12volts needed atleast 24 and some of the circuits ran hot...after talking to Tom C. about Beta matching .....after the conference matched the Coils, resistors, Diodes, did my best with the Tranny's, all the circuits and tranny's are not even warm to touch. It seems to run well on 12 volts very low(around 1.5) amperage from the primary. It does run differently different times of day draws a little more, a little less....
    All this to say would like to use this for my 20 run COP....guess I heard somewhere that for MP3 you wanted the bicycle motor and I am trying to confirm which it is, or does it matter that much since both are SG. Will comply either way, would prefer what I already have put together.

    Best regards, Frank

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  • Welcome Message & Forum Rules - READ FIRST BEFORE POSTING!

    Hi all and welcome to the Bedini Monopole 3 - Beginners forum.

    This forum is for people who want to learn to build their first Bedini SSG Monopole Energizer.

    It is also a continuation of the Bedini_Monopole3 Yahoo! group.

    The rules of this forum are pretty simple.

    Be nice and have fun! Try to keep an open mind, epecially if you have some electronics background.

    Build the energizer as directed and don't change a thing until you understand how the machine works.

    John K.