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Mutiple coils out of phase

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  • thurstjo63
    Bone Cancer Fighting Strategies

    To add to what Dave has stated. It helps to actually understand how cancer develops in one's body as well as the
    large number of alternative treatments that are available. As your friend has bone cancer, I would recommend
    that you consider multiple treatments (i.e. one involving nutrition and supplements as well as electronic treatment
    like the GB-4000 or the Photon Genius).

    All the best,


    Originally posted by Dave Wing View Post
    Bud I do believe not all hope is lost for your friend, there are treatments available....

    World Without Cancer - - B17 Laetrile Vitamin B17

    World Without Cancer - - B17 Laetrile Vitamin B17

    World Without Cancer - - B17 Laetrile Vitamin B17

    And or contact this treatment center, apparently it is the best clinic in the world regarding cancer treatment. Check out the videos, testimonials, faq's, Etc.

    Alternative Cancer Treatment Center | Oasis of Hope Cancer Hospital

    Dave Wing

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  • Forrest
    Hi Again, I need to try out the steel shot core assembly like Paul Babcock has stated. Has anyone tried this on the SG yet?


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  • Forrest
    Hi All, The big wheel is now on hold for just a little while. Got side tracked like I so easily do. Will get to it when the snow starts. For now am putting up a 8640 watt solar array. 30 panels + on a 15' X 55' long 45 degree angled roof. Will post some pics soon. I plan on running that big wheel off solar and also using the solar to charge up my iron Edison batteries.

    Joe the guy who I visited twice a week in the VA has cancer on the run. He went in last nov. with a psa of 1800 and 3 days from death! Now he is out and 95% back to normal. Psa dropped from 1800 to 53 to 17 now down to 8. Some experimental Chemo of oral type. Seemed to have worked and saved his life.

    Now I am running for Trustee in our township. How much more stuff can I pile on? Missed the Bedini conference but there is always next year.

    Anyway I will get back to the 24 coiler very soon now. will keep you all posted.


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  • Forrest
    Hi All,

    Both of us are well aware of the B17 deficiency. Getting him to take Laetrile is another is finding it. We are going to go with the Baking soda route for now. Alkalinity is very important to killing cancer also.

    Concerning the wheel....the stationary wooden ring is just a place to hold the 24 coils. It is now mounted to the stainless frame on wheels. It was made from many pieces of Advantech "not OSB" epoxy particle board all glued together via the joints overlapping on the 2" X 8" pieces of hardwood spacers. I know it looks like a big paddle wheel. Just a way to hold the colis with the best rigidity and light weight. The OD and ID were then machined on our Big CNC with the addition of slots every 15 degrees just .08" deep both sides. This way the coils can be adjusted in and out to set the gap between the rotor and coil face. On the wood ring I have the ability to mounted 1 through 24 coils on it.

    The frame is made from 2" x 2" X.060" Stainless.....keeping it light and strong with Heliarc welding. The rotor is Aluminum which houses the magnet superpoles. The magnets are not glued together....just a piece of paer betweeen and on each side of the pairs. No way will they fly off! Ever! On the wheel there are several ways in which to mounted many different magnets sizes and shapes by using the wedge clamping method I have devised. Everything except for the shafting is nonmagnetic. If you notice there is also room for a few more SG's on the shaft as well.

    I have spent many many hours thinking and designing this system in my head. It is on paper but my drawings are very brief and not well documented as to each specific detail. Much like Tesla was able to do. I have tried to make this system as variable as I can so it can later be modified if need be.

    What is really cool is that I have made almost every conceivable mistake you can make with the SG. Now I can build this machine and know with certainty that it will work and why. Knowing why is the key! Knowing what that "h" wave looks like on the scope and how you modify it is the big question.....and all of my wild experiments have shown me how and why.

    John is a very clever guy......that super pole is something I would have never considered. It provides the narrowest "h" shape, conserves the most energy to produce the spike, and will not magnetize the cores of the SG. JB is right......learn all you can from the very simple it and learn why everything is there and what it does. Each piece has a very specific task......figuring out why they are there and what they do is the trick. The two new books out by Peter and Aaron on the SG are without a doubt a very important part of my learning.


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  • min2oly
    Originally posted by min2oly View Post
    good friends are hard to find, that's awesome that you can be there.

    and your wheel...
    That's one super "super" wheel!
    yes, collect the spikes in a cap - then dump to your battery bank.
    do it as close as you can like JB did it w/ his Ferris Wheel.
    is the wooden wheel so you can capitalized on some of the power?
    very nice indeed.
    I get it, the smaller wheel goes inside the wooden wheel which holds the coils

    what are all the materials in your frame wheel and screws?


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  • min2oly
    good friends are hard to find, that's awesome that you can be there.

    and your wheel...
    That's one super "super" wheel!
    yes, collect the spikes in a cap - then dump to your battery bank.
    do it as close as you can like JB did it w/ his Ferris Wheel.
    is the wooden wheel so you can capitalized on some of the power?
    very nice indeed.

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  • Dave Wing
    Originally posted by Forrest View Post

    I am stalled out at this time. I am taking care of a close friend in the VA who saw way too much agent orange in NAM. He has about 1-2 years to go. Bone cancer. I go to see him twice a week and take care of his bills and his house as he has no family. I am cleaning up his home and trying to get ready to bring him home for his remaining days in comfort.

    Bud I do believe not all hope is lost for your friend, there are treatments available....

    World Without Cancer - - B17 Laetrile Vitamin B17

    World Without Cancer - - B17 Laetrile Vitamin B17

    World Without Cancer - - B17 Laetrile Vitamin B17

    And or contact this treatment center, apparently it is the best clinic in the world regarding cancer treatment. Check out the videos, testimonials, faq's, Etc.

    Alternative Cancer Treatment Center | Oasis of Hope Cancer Hospital

    Dave Wing

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  • BobZilla
    Hi Forrest,
    That flywheel is really nice looking! I had a quick thought about your original question concerning the large spikes and being careful not to blast your batteries. What if you used a super capacitor bank as a buffer to collect the energy between your charge batteries and the machine? You would have to make some more circuitry to then regulate the charge from there into a battery bank but the idea being that the capacitors could handle the high voltage spikes much better than a battery could. They also don't produce hydrogen so it would seem safer to me.

    I'm sorry about your friend, it is nice that he has you to care for him.

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  • Forrest
    Hi All,

    I have been working on the 24 coiler when I get a chance. Have already done a RPM test on the large wheel and it works just fine. Very curious to get it running to see what the inertia of the wheel does to the performance. Looked closely at the wheel construction. I have many variables that can be made to use many different magnet configurations if needed. I want to take advantage of the mechanical energy and turn a alternator at the smaller root diameter of the flywheel. The magnets do stick out on either side for the wind resistance to act as a governor.

    Currently the magnet setup is a superpole north setup with a piece of paper in between and on either side of the magnets. They are held in by the wedges with a 1/2" SMS bolt clamping them down tight. They will not move! this wheel turns with very little effort believe it or not. Am now working on the custom spools I am building out of lexan.

    I am stalled out at this time. I am taking care of a close friend in the VA who saw way too much agent orange in NAM. He has about 1-2 years to go. Bone cancer. I go to see him twice a week and take care of his bills and his house as he has no family. I am cleaning up his home and trying to get ready to bring him home for his remaining days in comfort.

    Getting back to the subject here are a few updated photos.


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  • Prinsloo
    SSG / Ferriswheel combination

    Hi Bud

    Looks like you are building a SSG / Ferriswheel combination by looking at the size and at all the slots for magnets you have there, LOL

    (Can see your stand is big enough to take 3 rows of stators with coils which means 3 rotors with magnets, just the weight of this will be a lot? )

    You need to be more forthcoming to enable the guys to advice you here bud!

    or ask TomC or JB or someone, if you can PM them before getting to involved here or/and getting it right first time.

    Look at the EFTV video series part 2 about 1:12:38, JB talking about charging a set of golf chart batteries, while the batteries are on charge, see how bright the neon's are glowing, that is huge spikes doing that, is this what you are getting?

    Same video at 32:54 look at the coil/magnet - arrangement on the 2 tier system, this is maybe what you need to consider.

    My 2c worth !

    Last edited by Prinsloo; 02-02-2013, 06:09 AM. Reason: typo

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  • Tom C
    Originally posted by Forrest View Post

    Thanks for the info. I do understand that the monopoles are not ac devises. Just that I do not know any other way to explain breaking up the output spikes.

    so you want to fire the coils independently of each other? or do you want to fire the coils sequentially to create "3" pulse trains coming off the device? sounds like you want to wire the coils, say 9 coils in threes around the rotor... if you do not want them to fire at the same time, then the magnets and rotor need to be spaced a certain way, or you could use a precessional arrangement wher ethe coil and magnet numbers do not match. the SG runs at 50 percent duty cycle, so you will need multiple rotors timed differently...... precessional rotors require more circuitry and triggers for each coil.

    so any chance you could put up a drawing of what the finished machine will look like
    Tom C

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  • Forrest

    Thanks for the info. I do understand that the monopoles are not ac devises. Just that I do not know any other way to explain breaking up the output spikes.


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  • Tom C
    Originally posted by Forrest View Post
    Hi John,

    At this time I do not know how to measure it. But I am sure somewhere along the way I may find out. Just want to avoid that time in my life if possible. I am sure you have had this happen or you would not have mentioned it. Just would like to avoid finding out if at all possible. Do you have any info to share here?

    How about a three phase neg energy generator? Is this how your three wheeler thirty coiler operated?


    that 30 coiler was not Johns design, and no it was not 3 phase it was the equivilant of a 30 coil single output monopole. we need to be careful here about phases and cycles. monopoles are not AC devices, they are pulsed DC and they co not correspond to AC equivalants in terms of HZ. if you want AC you need a 3 phase wound armature. with alternating north and south magnets to create the sine wave.
    Tom C

    Tom C

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  • Tom C
    Originally posted by Forrest View Post
    Hi All,

    I know you are dying to know what has been going on so here is a sneak peek!

    ok that is about 400 lbs of aluminum, what are you trying to do? that is a lot of mass to try and spin with a monopole circuit......

    Tom C

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  • Forrest
    Hi All,

    I know you are dying to know what has been going on so here is a sneak peek!


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