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master trigger control for the slave coil
I will keep you informed of my progress on my multi-reel project if I find a little help from other experimenters on this friendly forum full of competent people.
Hello Gary, and thank you for all this help, I am in the process of putting my SG back into service after all these long months of downtime, like you, I had other priorities from grandpa!!! Thank you very much, I wish you all the best. Eric. of France .
je vous tiendrai inform? de mes avanc?s sur mon projet multi bobines si je trouve un peu d'aide vers d'autre experimentateur de ce sympathique forum plein de gens comp?tent .
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Hi Eric,
You tell me that you put a power coil, under the main power coil!!, you have 2 coils, one above the other?. I don't see what this type of editing can do! I didn't see this in Peter's advanced manual, I'll take it again.. I will look at your post via the link you gave me, thank you Gary.
The effect was like an air coupled transformer that didn't add any extra load to the drive battery.
Gary Hammond,
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Hello Gary, you are a great grandfather then!!, you have to take advantage of all these little angels, these wonderful moments. I will switch to the hall effect, or in optical mode, I will follow your advice. I had seen Peter's coil in chapter 4 page 39, what I am trying to do is rather a multi coil like JB, in 10 coils, I think it was 4 strands, which I don't know, it it's if its reels all had a trigger each, I'm currently in the process of fixing the bearings which are very worn... thank you for all the time you give me Gary, I'm not going to bother you any more, it's It's very kind of you. As soon as my bearings and fixing are redone, I will repost if I need to.
You tell me that you put a power coil, under the main power coil!!, you have 2 coils, one above the other?. I don't see what this type of editing can do! I didn't see this in Peter's advanced manual, I'll take it again.. I will look at your post via the link you gave me, thank you Gary.
I posted my example of fixing the magnets for those who have difficulty with placing the magnets on the wheel, it is really very practical and very solid without adding significant weight. I hope this helps. too bad I couldn't put the 3D printer file in STL format. not allowed on the site.
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Hi Eric,
I see on one of the models you built, that there are 2 coils on it with a lot of windings, the base of this machine is an SSG?. No ?. maybe I'm wrong ?. I saw that some guys built the second coil with 10 or 12 wires then connected in series. I did not find plans on the forum to integrate a second coil or how to incorporate it into the system!. maybe I looked wrong!!!
Are you using a single coil trigger and one or more other power coils that work with your unique trigger coil? If I understand correctly!
I understood that you have things going on with the grandson! and family , it’s sacred, I also have grandchildren since
Gary Hammond,
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I see on one of the models you built, that there are 2 coils on it with a lot of windings, the base of this machine is an SSG?. No ?. maybe I'm wrong ?. I saw that some guys built the second coil with 10 or 12 wires then connected in series. I did not find plans on the forum to integrate a second coil or how to incorporate it into the system!. maybe I looked wrong!!!
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Are you using a single coil trigger and one or more other power coils that work with your unique trigger coil? If I understand correctly!
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I will prepare a diagram of what I thought to do to add a second reel
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This is the shema I made at that time and my machine is built in this way . And I wanted to add a second reel on my wheel of 16 magnets. if it’s possible . thank you very much for the helping hand, there is nothing to be done gary, I understood that you have things going on with the grandson! and family , it’s sacred, I also have grandchildren since
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Hi Gary,
You take a lot of time to answer me, I really appreciate that.
here is what I built a few times ago already, I will attach you a photo soon . I’m a person who likes to do things accurately yes. Like you, I saw your car and the reconstruction of the engine , it’s very impressive to see .
I have the 3 books, beginner, intermediate and advanced. I’m looking to add a second coil so that I can charge 2 batteries at once. It may not be the right way, if you have another one or a scheme, and I’m a sucker.
I have been through the forum a lot before posting here, I understood that you could add a coil of 7 or 8 windings using the trigger ( trigger coil ) The master coil .
I feel that this is not the right method I am using on my SG .
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Hi Eric,
I don't really know how to respond to your question. When I looked at the schematic in your last post, and considered the terminology you used, I became confused as to what you are trying to achieve with your build. So to help me understand what you are doing, I have a few questions.
I understood from your post "fixing 3D magnets" that you devised a neat, clever way to affix magnets to a bicycle wheel and so I assumed you were building a replication of John Bedini's "Simplified School Girl Motor" or (SSG as it's commonly called). You also indicated that English is not your first language which can sometimes allow terminology to be misunderstood or used differently in different languages.
When I used the term "master trigger coil" I was referring to a single, adjustable, stand alone coil. But in your schematic drawing you show that the trigger winding is wound on the same spool and core as a power winding. That confused me.
I was also confused by your drawing of master circuitry and slave circuitry. I assumed that the parallel components inside each dotted line were the individual, branch resistors used to bias the base - emitter junction for the individual BJT transistors of each winding in a multi wound coil. One such circuit was labeled master and the other one was labeled slave. It's my understanding that usually a master coil contains the trigger winding which is also used in parallel to trigger slave coils, which are additional coils without their own trigger windings. There is a limit to how many slave coils can be added in this way. So the method I thought you were suggesting was to have no master coil but rather all slave coils triggered by a separate, stand alone, adjustable trigger coil.
In my experience, a 1000 ohm pot with 100 ohm branch resistors would not be easy to get properly balanced. I use a 100 ohm 25 watt rheostat main resistor with matched 470 ohm 1 watt branch resistors that were included in a kit I purchased from Teslagenx. This machine has only a single coil with 7 power windings and one trigger winding. It has no slave coils.
Do you have the Bedini SG handbooks found here?
Gary Hammond,
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I need to clarify myself a little anyway. I have a 1k potentiometer in series with 100 ohm resistance on the master trigger. I think it is enough to do the same assembly for the slaves using the master trigger. I will try to post a mini diagram
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Hello Gary, Thank you for taking the time to answer me. I hadn't thought about the adjustable trigger, but yes, it's an excellent idea!!! would you use a potentiometer of approximately what value?. if I can abuse your time. Thank you all for your help and for reading me. Eric.
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