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RE-EMF Charger

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  • ron_o
    Hi Guys

    This circuit as i see it charges in two ways :-

    A high current pulse , current flows directly through the transistor + inductor into the charge battery

    A high voltage , low curent pulse from the inductor when the magnetic flux contained within the inductor is released.


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  • Faraday88
    Hi John/Tom C
    Sure... right nowi am involved in some other personal work..but i did promise to show up which i still do...
    just to summarize, i built the Simple SSG of the Patent 6545444 (Capacitor dump), the 3-pole monople (TUV version),
    the Double-decker, and also the Real-Mecoy (i feel i did replicate this one..not sure though) but belive me Tom, i dismanteled all these units as i keep trying other Iterations to understand RADIANT ENERGY PHYSICS. There are other Patents including the E.V Gary motor and Stanley Meyer's WFC which i have extensively worked on since the last 8-10 years now,
    Yes, you are right when it comes to stay focused and produce atleats one and share here....i will soon do that as time permits.
    but in the mean time it is my himble request to you and others in the Forum to stop slandering me and consider me as true a seeker of the good cause that we all are doing to bring John Bedini's years of work into the mainstream accepatance.
    I hope you understand me brother!
    Best Regards,

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  • John_Koorn
    Originally posted by Faraday88 View Post
    You guys are ignorant of the Physics that is speaking out you even know what is Radiant Electricity?
    do your home work ...visit J.bedini's website ....atleast for 1000times...and then talk to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    i'm not misleading any one here..i have made my intention very clear... its just that you guys are impatient. or are pretending to be one. why should i bother to share something that i can if i understand things better...
    Building a Machine is for sure one way to understand things but not the only have to be Intutive in this kind of research.
    you guys are some how determind to slander me all the times..

    and who gave you the right to call me a John Bedini rival...... i have for sure worked more than you can imagine on the Radiant Energy because of Bedini and i consider him My Guru.... do you know who is called a Guru.....go kid take a walk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Farday, you are very incorrect! Unless you have built a Bedini radiant energy device there is no way you can understand how it works or what it does to batteries. You see Farday, I've done all of the experiments AND read the theory hundreds of times AND proved the theory ON THE BENCH!!! What have you done? We don't need armchair expert here to tell us what to do. So why don't you just go away and build something and leave all of the real experimenters alone?

    Who are you to say who is ignorant? We don't even know who you are or what your real name is. You hide behind a fake name. I have been on every Bedini Internet forum in the last 5 years and have never heard of you or your experiments, all I hear is a bunch of mumbo jumbo that makes no sense from some guy with a fake name who is pretending to know Bedini technology.

    I'm done with you on this forum until you can post something constructive about the experiments you have done.

    John K.

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  • Tom C
    Originally posted by Faraday88 View Post
    Hi Tom C,
    Looking at your attitude it seems you will never be convinced even if the Moon is brought to earth!!!! because you never want to see it any ways!
    next, you also seem to advocate a person who is blindly accusing me even without knowing how much he him self knows..!
    i'm on the contrary saying the same as you are...! you do'nt need a Particle accelerator to prove the concept of Energy from the Vacuum it is proved in a simple SSG!!
    and for those who think 'theory is not techinical it is mental masturbation' they are better at actually doing it...hope you got what i'm refering to. BTW.. Higgs Boson experiment is the acedemic way of EFTV...from your information.
    what am I to be convinced of? That you actually have built a machine, or that you have read so much theory that you dont need to? I dont care if you can quote every noted scientist since Galileo Galilae. What I said was that theory without experimentation is MM......... like running around discussing whether or not gasoline powers a car. And the academics at CERN decided to BUILD something to look for what they had only as theory.

    machine please... how about some pictures of your parts even.

    nuff said....

    Tom C

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  • Faraday88
    Hi Tom C,
    Looking at your attitude it seems you will never be convinced even if the Moon is brought to earth!!!! because you never want to see it any ways!
    next, you also seem to advocate a person who is blindly accusing me even without knowing how much he him self knows..!
    i'm on the contrary saying the same as you are...! you do'nt need a Particle accelerator to prove the concept of Energy from the Vacuum it is proved in a simple SSG!!
    and for those who think 'theory is not techinical it is mental masturbation' they are better at actually doing it...hope you got what i'm refering to. BTW.. Higgs Boson experiment is the acedemic way of EFTV...from your information.

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  • Tom C
    challenge him technically

    Originally posted by Faraday88 View Post
    Why do'nt you challenge me technically (if at all you are competent??)rather than Sarcastic remarks!!!!!
    i'm done with you beyond this...

    What the HELL are you ranting about, theory is not techincal, it is babble if not proved on the bench, thats why they built the LHC..... to find Higgs Boson. that's why Tom bearden, and JB worked together. It is the same here, you build the machine (techincal) to prove the theory (academic), theory is not techinical it is mental masturbation if it is never proven on the bench.

    Like your 8th grade algebra teacher said "show your work" in this case its not just equasions, it is cop results with the machines.

    please just the little oscillator? we can all shut up then.

    Tom C

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  • Faraday88
    Why do'nt you challenge me technically (if at all you are competent??)rather than Sarcastic remarks!!!!!
    i'm done with you beyond this...

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  • Prinsloo
    still waiting - - - - - Faraday88 ! no build yet !

    still waiting - - - - - Faraday88 ! no build yet ! we are waiting ! ! ! !

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  • Faraday88
    You guys are ignorant of the Physics that is speaking out you even know what is Radiant Electricity?
    do your home work ...visit J.bedini's website ....atleast for 1000times...and then talk to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    i'm not misleading any one here..i have made my intention very clear... its just that you guys are impatient. or are pretending to be one. why should i bother to share something that i can if i understand things better...
    Building a Machine is for sure one way to understand things but not the only have to be Intutive in this kind of research.
    you guys are some how determind to slander me all the times..

    and who gave you the right to call me a John Bedini rival...... i have for sure worked more than you can imagine on the Radiant Energy because of Bedini and i consider him My Guru.... do you know who is called a Guru.....go kid take a walk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Last edited by Faraday88; 11-11-2012, 08:53 PM. Reason: correction

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  • Prinsloo
    The man is not ignorant regarding technology (like I am) and seams quite sophisticated as can be perceived by his comments/posts, thus he either know the answers and he is deliberate in obstructing.

    If he doesn't know then learn by building and the challenge for him is then to post, as requested by various members before in this forum.


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  • alfinip2000
    Prinsloo,i agree with you..i didnt see what faradays88 good inten in this forum, sure he trying to confuse us with all of the "conplexity and high tech theory"..proove us wrong with all of your pic and test result you've done faraday88.

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  • Prinsloo
    John K

    Faraday88 promised that he will build and test and post, non has happened as yet, because if he does he will see/comprehend/understand/learn what you/everybody else is trying to get him to understand, but he is here to stir ! ! !

    How easy can it be, build a small oscillator circuit, take 2 small bats run and understand.

    SG Solar Oscillators John Bedini - YouTube

    ( Must get someone to track his IP, maybe he is JohnB rival? )


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  • John_Koorn
    Farday, what are you talking about?

    Do this simple experiment - build the simple SSG and get it running. Get 2 batteries. Measure the standing voltages of both batteries. Put the battery with the LOWEST voltage as the primary and the HIGHEST voltage as the charge battery.

    Run the machine. Does the charge battery raise in voltage?

    John k.

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  • Faraday88
    John K,

    Yes, but that is'nt the standing Voltage, it does go t0 14.5V plus..and shows Cold -Boiling (you can hear the BB's ).
    i get you correct now

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  • John_Koorn

    No, you misunderstood. I am talking about an SSG with a 12v primary battery and a 12v charge battery. Have you noticed from your experiments that the charge battery can charge to a higher voltage than the primary battery?

    John K.

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