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Permanent Magnet Motor

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  • zerofossilfuel
    Gary, your attempt at this device is probably the closest I've seen so far. Kudos for that. Comments I've seen following your original post relating to the position of your ramp/yoke are correct. It does diverge from the drawing. All you should need to do is redrill your base to position it more closely as drawn. However, if this device really does work as advertised (operative word IF), the only thing stronger magnets will do is create faster acceleration. The only thing an aluminium rotor will do is create drag on the system if Eddy currents should arise from the stator magnnet but that won't happen until it gets spinning. If Eddy currents arise anywhere, it will be along the steel ramp where rotor magnetic fields are passing by. That one you cannot avoid. If you're really concerned about the steel screws, replace them with brass. I don't think that's the problem either but I'll let you arrive to your own conslusions.

    I still have a couple of ideas I'm kicking around too. All I can say is "Think like a Vegan".


    Originally posted by Gary Hammond View Post
    Question for John Bedini

    Did you actually build and run the PM motor shown in your lab notes, or is this just based on theory?

    I tried building one scaled to your drawing and was unable to get it to run. Of course I probably didn't use the correct parts and didn't know what the relative magnet strengths should be. I just use neos that looked in prportion to your drawing and threw it together with aluminum base and rotor. All the fasteners are steel, and the ball bearing is steel.

    It cogs to the position shown in my photo. If it is spun, it does coast for a short time (with some drag) and then stops in the same position again.

    just curious, thanks
    Gary Hammond


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  • zerofossilfuel
    Ordinary guy discovers FREE ENERGY of SPINNING ELECTRICAL SECRET CPU FAN - YouTube

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  • Aric Dyson
    I am doing this I usually base on theory And I found out that there are some tolls you can't easy to defined if what are the uses of this. I think if you are planning to build this you have to make sure that you have a capacity to learn all the functions and you have some bases in order you to have a good one.

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  • Tarak
    Hi, I have tried a pure magnetic motors, you may get them to run but you cannot get any useful drive energy out.
    So I set about a redesigned permanent magnet motor/Generator, three years later I proved my design, but wanted to improve the separate alternator design.
    The motor also generated power as well as a torque output, 120 watts electrical input, with total energy output, including the 5ft/lb torque, 400 watts. RPM could vary over several tests but was 1,200 to 2,200. Tested under a loaded ft/torque pulley, charging the battery bank, and with an electrical load.
    Fully checked with an independent scientist
    It can be pulled apart rebuild, and replicated, if better materials were used there could have been a much larger output.
    The Alternator separate but on the same shaft, several designs were tried, even a new approach was tried, and this proved to be the best. Then from that information a new design was made, I have not built it, but the only thing nearest to it was back in the late 1800’s to early 1900’s.
    I stopped the project and decided to repair and continue with my ‘Plasma Conversion Unit’ I started a new thread on this. I just thought you should know that it is possible.
    A helpful point if you want to do this stuff, USE ROUND disk or bar magnets, there are problems with rectangular ones, to hard to explain here, but it cost me a packet to find out.
    Last edited by Tarak; 03-12-2013, 12:40 AM.

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  • vzon17
    Looks like a working magnet motor to me.
    Evolution of Perpetual Motion, WORKING Free Energy Generator.mp4 - YouTube

    Showing operational unit near end of video.

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  • vzon17
    Anybody try this? Looks so friggin easy I'm going to try it.
    Free Energy Magnet Motor (Engine) - YouTube

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  • bluestix
    Originally posted by vzon17 View Post
    I saw a video a few years ago where a guy made magnetic shields and they would shield the magnetic field somewhat.
    Magnet Shielding - YouTube

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  • vzon17
    I saw a video a few years ago where a guy made magnetic shields and they would shield the magnetic field somewhat. What he did was take some metglass tape about an inch or two wide and a piece of paper the same width and then he would roll it up around a magnet so it was many layers of paper and metglass. I effectively sheilded the magnetic field on the side of the magnet but allowed it to shoot out the end of the magnet. this allowed another magnet to approach the shielded magnet without much attraction and then when it was properly alligned they would repel. Seems like that is what this motor is doing to some degree. partially shielding the magnet and then getting into a position of repelling .

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  • Marcia Stockton
    Originally posted by ThankyouBedini View Post
    Neo magnets can be shaped with a beltsander and lots of time!
    Uh-oh! Oh dear me! Not a good idea at all!! I have heard that neodymium is an extremely toxic heavy metal. For example if the magnet broke and a shard pierced your skin, that would be a serious medical issue. Breathing the dust, and having neodymium dust all over your shop/lab/house, could not possibly be a good thing. Please do not do this and please do not recommend it to others either. Some things that are "possible" are just not worth doing.


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  • John_Bedini
    Just to answer your question, I did not build it Ron Cole did. Ron had to fiddle with it to get it to go
    And when he did we were excited but it was just the type of device that cogged around very slow.
    But when he died all that disappeared from his workshop. I do not know what happened to the model.

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  • NerzhDishual
    Few cents...

    Hi People,

    My first post here and just my 2 power 2 cents.

    IMO#1 the device described in the first post is very 'witty' indeed.
    IMO#2, if you just want a 'proof of concept' it is no need to use strong magnets.
    Very good bearings (these from scavenged old computer disks are OK).
    Not too strong magnets.
    Some 'subtile' flywheel effect.

    I use 1/2 centimeter cubic neo magnets glued on a CD/DVD and some 'added flywheel' (= another wood ring). Yes, this device seems to be able to self run (should I just add the 'replusive' (fifth magnet)). But it does not...
    IMO#3, you should be 'Blessed by the Gods/Universe' to figure out how to tune this apparatus.
    No 3055 (for ex. ) ) transistors are the same. No magnets are the same. You can get more efficiency out of a circuit just by changing a 3055 (for ex.) transistor. Can't you?
    IMO#4: I would be more confident in a device that can change its own 'geometry' while running.

    I can propose you 2 vids (sorry if this is not new):

    "v gate magnetic motor different config self explanating "
    v gate magnetic motor different config self explanating - YouTube


    "Selfrunning Working Permanent Magnet Motor"
    Selfrunning Working Permanent Magnet Motor - YouTube
    Now, my intend is not do discourage anybody (including me, BTW) to continue these kinda

    Very Best hag gwella gourhemennou a-berz

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  • Tom C
    Originally posted by MrRonsen View Post
    flynn from "flynn parallel path motor" is now at !
    working for everyone with money.. visit the page, look for the prices/awards.. military..,
    but not seen any consumer products,
    there is a windmill shown.. better performance than others on market.. but no description where to buy..
    so my hope is, that the chinese copycats copy that PPMT to spread that stuff into our world..
    the concept is easy.. but precision is needed.. so it nothing for builing by homeboys

    BOSCH had bought that? i didnt know.. do you have references/links for that information?
    not directly, but I saw a video from bosch on their latest drives and controllers, and it looked just like the flynn descriptions, perhaps they licensed it from him. I have zero nada no documentation!!

    Tom C

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  • MrRonsen
    flynn from "flynn parallel path motor" is now at !
    working for everyone with money.. visit the page, look for the prices/awards.. military..,
    but not seen any consumer products,
    there is a windmill shown.. better performance than others on market.. but no description where to buy..
    so my hope is, that the chinese copycats copy that PPMT to spread that stuff into our world..
    the concept is easy.. but precision is needed.. so it nothing for builing by homeboys

    BOSCH had bought that? i didnt know.. do you have references/links for that information?

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  • Tom C
    Originally posted by ThankyouBedini View Post
    Neo magnets can be shaped with a beltsander and lots of time!
    and lots of highly toxic dust to go with it. dont waste your time or your health please.
    Tom C

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  • Tom C
    Originally posted by AlvaroHN View Post
    Hi Tom tnx for the reply, I am the same Alvaro from Yahoo monopole2

    I have read the radus boots, and watched a couple of videos from people showing the theory working, but I have never tryed a motor with the concept, but the output would be much larger than the input (energy needed to flip the magnets) right....

    A very long time ago a saw some pdfs about creative science that looked full of crap actually, but there was some patent very similar to radus concept, modifing magnet poles with coils wound on the magnets, I think that was under "flyn something"


    happy to see this new forum, what happend to yahoo groups?
    flynn parallel path motor. I believe it was bought by bosch and can be found in theire latest motors and controllers. the yahoo groups are closed.
    Tom C

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